Week 3 - self study
Accidentally pressed back while writing this dev blog. Im having so much fun.
hey Guys, welcome to the calamity that is this weeks self study. In this week, we were taught about probuilder and terrain work. Probuilder allows for model editing and creation and terrain is used to make level design simpler by making ground, grass and trees.
First i had fun with terrain and probuilder. Went crazy with terrain and was a bit tame with probuilder.
Here you can make custom shapes with probuilder.
Here you can make simple cubes that can become deformed through extrusion and overall editing, as well as being able to paint textures.
You can make stairs very easily and i like it so im showing it off here.
Second, had to make a simple scene that closely resembles the landmark location of the model we made in the first self-study. I forgot to do that so i just made a simple scene initially.
raised terrain around the corners
Added grass
added trees, added the two islands landmark and a cube
expanded on the cube for a less simple shape
raised the terrain around the attractions of the scene and added fencing (extreme raised terrain)
same area but with no sun and more complex front of building
front view of the building which was done with extruding and pushing faces, edges and vertices
Then after realising what i did was wrong initially, then i went and tried to recreate the landmark location. (Forgot to save screenshots while making the scene).
Top view
front view
side view
building view
what it actually looks like.
what the building looks like
And thats it for the post, this is the second time i have written this. Why does itch.io not save the post as a draft??? anyway, see you guys in the tutorial page.
Videos that i used to learn:
KIT207 Portfoilo
Watch as my brain unravels throughout the semester
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