Week 2 - Self Study
Hello folks, welcome to my week 2 self study where we modeled and rigged a moveable object so we can start animation work (yippee, so excited)
The first step was to create a model for the objective today, which i created by just stitching cubes together into a low poly character.
And then by following the blender series of tutorials as well as these videos:
We were able to rig the character model which was achieved by adding 'bones' to the character where there would be a bend in the body and by extruding from those point, we were able to add those bones easily.
Then here, i went and worked in the inverse kinematics so that the model would move more naturally which you can see with four of the bones being a different colour within the next photo. When it come to testing the actual model within the pose mode, the model would just not work with me. So i made some altercations to the model itself so it works and looks better. Here is the updated model.
Here i got the model to look different (i know i said look better but im having doubts). So on a technicality, the model is ready for animation but i wanted to get a better photo so heres that
Here i made the dude into a gremlin.
So the next part was to get the gremlin into animation. here the process was pretty simple as the inverse kinematic allowed for easier movement as well as blender having each movement be recorded into the 'timeline' (where movements are shown at which frame) automatically makes this process pretty simple. Here are the animations for an Idle, Walk, and Wave animation:
These were working against me so much, but i still wanted to share these as it shows my first experience with this process and with these devlogs, i can see (hopefully) an improvement overtime. But there we go, i believe these are the things that needed to be presented here.
thanks for reading
these animations are about to become my sleep paralysis demon tonight. woo boy
KIT207 Portfoilo
Watch as my brain unravels throughout the semester
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