Week 2 - Tutorial

Hey whoever is reading.

This is my tutorial work for this. This week was not too big so not much will be mentioned here but the main goal was to transfer the models created from the self study into a unity project for practice as well as refresh on 1-2 key bits of unity like prefabs and components of objects. We also learnt the process of grabbing pre-made models from asset stores online and importing them into our own project.  Here is how the scene in unity looks like:

Step 1:

Here i exported the models that i made within the self study as well as extract the materials of those models, and within unity i made a green plain with a collider so that it can be placed in a nice place. With this image, i placed the barrel and the two islands model within the frame of the camera and just scaled enough for both to appear pretty well. 

Step 2:

Then with this part, i grabbed some assets online and placed them within the world.  And with some edits of objects and prefabs( the barrel), we can see that the barrel has a shotgun held in hand and an axe shoved on its head and to test this, i duplicated the barrel several times to see the prefab changes in real time. i then changed the size of the knight with a shotgun attached to their hand for funzies and we have the end product shown underneath. 

Thanks for reading

Models used:

Axe - Axe by MiniPoly (https://poly.pizza/m/lmO4Yq56e5)

Shotgun - Shotgun Pump West by Pichuliru (https://poly.pizza/m/NfQETBKOiw)

Knight - Knight by Dawid2K [CC-BY] (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/) via Poly Pizza (https://poly.pizza/m/isC73B8SKq)

Two Islands - made with my abilities

Barrel - own creation

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